Earliest check-in is 3pm and latest is 8pm. If these times don't work for you, it is imperative you let us know in advance and we'll try accommodate your request. Should earlier arrival be more convenient for you, we'll happily store your luggage once the booking formalities are dispensed with and you can while away some time in the prettiness that is Rothesay until 3pm.
Check-out deadline is strictly 11am. We need the hours to thoroughly present a top room to the guest after you.
Bookings, payment and cancellations
Bookings: reserve your accommodation and we accept card or cheque.
Payments on arrival in cash or by card (not cheque) are gratefully accepted but only if our rooms have not been booked.
Cancellations: Hmmmmmm
Read the House Rules. We take security at Highlander House very seriously. ALL COMMON AREAS are 100% under recorded CCTV surveillance. Please remember that the security of our guests is paramount as is the protection of our home.
Unauthorised entry
Once again, read House Rules. Highlander House adopts a zero-tolerance to anyone in our home that has not been registered as a guest on arrival. Any person in our home in disregard of this is viewed as a trespasser, with zero rights, and a total security risk. We don't care whether it's a new-found friend, close relative...or Prince of Wales! We expect you will appreciate the severity of this risk and embrace this House Rule as a blessing. Oh, and yes, break this rule and you're out of here with zero compensation. Hey, we're not kidding around with this!
Zero-tolerance to Smoking
Read our House Rules. Smoking/vaping. Your room is kitted with state of the art smoke detectors. Sadly, for us and you, as a result of the fire standards here in Scotland, the alarm in your room is linked to all guest rooms so that all guest rooms are alerted in the event of a fire in one room. This protection system DOES identify the room at fault and we trust you'll be courteous to your fellow guests by not setting it off. (Trust us...we'd have been a lot happier if the Scottish fire standards allowed us to install un-linked fire alarms so we could simply address those setting off the fire alarm in one room, but no, our big brother government regulations demand an alarm activated is set off in all rooms).
Bless them, we simply don't have the facilities at Highlander House to adequately accommodate and cater for our future rock stars, scientists and influencers. We have no family rooms. If the little precious ones have progressed beyond the years of crayon-scribbling on anything presenting an inviting surface, you need to be the judge as to whether your loved ones are old enough for you to book an additional adjacent room.
We are passionate dog lovers, but do not have the facilities to accommodate our canine and feline soul-mates. This saddens us, but it is what it is.